Work (-)
Still employed. Seems that my potential raise is directly tied to [function x], which I do not actually in any capacity *do*. I only benefit if my coworkers get their shit together. (Which is unlikely.)
Also, the banhammer has come down on phones. I have to leave mine locked in a locker, rather than on my person. Given I don't have access to a work-sanctioned web browser or a company email address or work digital camera, that's going to make parts of my life needlessly complicated.
@Momentrabbit do you work in a secured space or are your bosses fascists?
@Fuego Fascists.
@Momentrabbit thats an impressively terrible work situation
@Momentrabbit I love how hard we debase ourselves under this capitalist hell due to the threat of cancer
Content Warning: F'n Capitalism
@Fuego Cancer *would* be bad, but I could get my surgery, rads and chemo at the hospital and OHIP would mostly cover it. Being diabetic, however, is mostly an outpatient scenario... All told, my current meds for my chronic conditions would eat half my pay without that rx plan covering 80%.
Can't wait to see how expensive insulin gets this year. >.<