@Zero_Democracy can I use this in my class slides?
@masklayer @sonywalkman save me some
@masklayer @sonywalkman bepis for the Pepsi queen
@literorrery yup yup yup
@literorrery that’s the plan
@literorrery you could be if you hopped a flight some time in the next 5 ish days
@shel I’d kill St. Paul
@shel @masklayer wont that be a shame! Haha
@masklayer @shel buy my old Suzuki motorcycle for 2.5k and pass everyone in any car like they’re tied to a tree
@shel @masklayer high roller! A Kia! Be still my gold digging heart!
Imma be mostly on my @Pusscat account for the next week, awooing our windows hacking class if people are interested in modern exploit dev
@weirdoslam I totally agree
@noiob thats more than starfox!
@noiob that beautiful lenneth icon tho
Mixie trash
- she / her -