@Felthry I've been greatly enjoying https://figmentforms.tumblr.com/post/139806271367/a-tale-of-two-rulers-archive-post/, in which a unified Ganon and Zelda try to figure out how to work with the rest of the extended cast (and occasionally not murder each other).
I do hope we eventually get as deeply researched and interesting a thing as a game, eventually.
@Felthry I don't think so, but if you have Calibre, you should be able to build one from the continuous post at the bottom of the page.
@Felthry (Which, if that proves unwieldy, poke me and I can set that up.)
@Goldkin remind me to do that in a little bit!
@Goldkin aw, just finished reading through it and it's not finished! I hope it's finished soon, I want to read the whole thing
@Goldkin we've read some interesting zelda fanfiction before, should give this one a try... is there any download available though? would greatly prefer an epub or something