~|| Celtic and Norse Knotwork Commissions! ||~
- Prices assume standard levels of detail, I can get fancier with borders and repeating patterns
- Can do practically any type of character, not just animals or anthros!
- 10% off 7’‘x10’’+ sizes this month
- I can also go smaller, and even do con badges in this style! Logos, weird shapes or dimensions, you name it I can get you a price quote and more details.
- Email me at bluegoblins@outlook.com
#mastoart #commissions
Infosec rambling as a result of 'meta'
“The fediverse” is not a place you have to enter and announce your presence to witness. It’s not a house, it’s not a party. It’s a data stream and most of it is public, and the bits that aren’t are reliant on actors outside of your control to keep private.
Cancelling someone who outed them self as working with the feds isn’t going to keep the feds out. A lot of you know this and to a lot of you it’s symbolic and ideals-based, but it needs to be stated explicitly for those who do not know.
Most of the fediverse is public, most of it is unredactable, most of it is undeniable. Our current security calculus means it’s trivial, once an instance admin (or the wayback machine) gets a hold of your post, to prove you posted it— forever. Even if you delete it.
The fediverse has the same infosec concerns as birdsite did, and more, and worse. It presents opportunities for a better social space, but in the end you need to either limit posts to things you don’t care who sees, or things you’ve done very in depth risk assessment on with deep knowledge the fediverse security and deniability calculus.
That’s a shortcoming of the fediverse and AP. It’s one specific actors are working on fixing, but it’s not there yet and won’t be for some time.
Keep your “stuff” deniable. Keep it off line. The fed taps do not have high visibility accounts like that guy. The fed taps probably do not have accounts.
I hope that, whoever you are that takes the time to read this, you know deep within your heart that you deserve to be here.
Take a moment and remind yourself that you exist. That you should exist. That you belong in the world, with all its disappointments and its delights. That you deserve happiness. That you deserve to love yourself simply for the magic of being alive.
I know it's hard work every day to be good to yourself and others. I see how hard it is. I believe in you, and others do too.
uspol, data science (?)
I guess I’m wondering how nightly news orgs are going to explain how machine learning and inference models work, because so many folks still consider this to be magic.
uspol, data science (?)
While things are kind of bonkers right now, this is an interesting observation about how state actors influence US elections (past and present): https://www.emptywheel.net/2019/02/25/on-august-2-2016-paul-manafort-gave-konstantin-kilimnik-75-pages-of-recent-detailed-polling-data/
One of the questions I’ve had is how polling data made it into the orbit of microtargeting/psyops companies and their state-sponsored counterparts, since that would be needed to go from how people behave (on social media) to how people vote (with high confidence).
He... gave it to them in paper.
At the risk of resurrecting my previous toot on the matter which ended up killing my notifications for a solid week, the new 1TB microSD cards just announced by SanDisk and Micron would mean that IPoverTrebuchet now supports packets of 225 petabytes
- a microSD card weighs somewhere around 0.4g
- the highest capacity microSD that's easily available is 256GB
- a trebuchet can throw a 90kg projectile over 300m
90kg worth of microSD cards is 225,000 of them
Therefore a trebuchet can throw 57.6PB of data over 300m
This would have the highest throughput of any telecommunications network ever created
PSA about Russian state propaganda outlets (boost with content warnings for politics, mention of queerphobia)
From @June in two parts
For folks who don't know: RT and In The Now are actual propaganda designed to be consumable and attractive to progressive Western audiences. They are a facet of the overall propaganda structure that includes Russia Today's internal (within Russia, in Russian) propaganda. Russia Today is much more directly anti-queer, anti-Semitic, etc, and RT filters this into a package DESIGNED to be palatable to English-speaking westerners, with the goal of spreading "just asking questions" style disinfo.
Do not share RT and In The Now (which is of course designed explicitly to look like NowThis) content, even if it seems innocuous. If it's something legit sounding, find another several sources for it. Supporting these platforms in any way is helping people do serious harm to queer people and other minorities.
with spoilers
Much-too-confident, socially awkward lizard-betwixt-author-proxy goes to college, generating too much scandal, in candid, unreliable narrator slices of life. All while somehow remaining endearing and being much too relatable about how bizarre and alien social dilemma often feel in real time.
Novelty blogs of that nature thrived on LJ, and I miss those in a way the more general literary and webcomic fandoms don’t quite cover?
agender, introspective, longish
I guess I’m still trying to find those ways. I don’t quite have an answer, and my reclusiveness now is so I can do the work of figuring that out.
Because it’d be really cool to belong, for some value of “cool” and some value of “belong”. Even if I haven’t figured out what either of those are shaped like yet.
agender, introspective, longish
I had a brief window in which I was able to overcome those fears (posting art to Twitter, organizing small groups with locals ~4ish years ago). In that time, I socially burned out, my reclusive tendencies reasserted themselves, and then... I was accused of a bunch of stuff I didn’t do.
Which did break me, for awhile (sorry). And at the bottom of that, it returned me to the reticence that I’d felt before, even though I know there are ways this can work.
agender, introspective, longish
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on that, especially in light of how folks’ perceptions of reality can dominate the truth. And I guess this is why I always expect things to go poorly for me in any group setting, reinforcing my predisposition to hide from people already.
Because if folks think my resulting reclusive behavior is an indicator I must be a bad person, I... really don’t have the bandwidth to challenge that notion nor change the behavior.
agender, introspective, longish
I guess that also leads people to fill in the gaps for this behavior. Common things I hear, in paraphrase:
* “Oh, them, they never respond, they’re probably an asshole.”
* “They’re really quiet except for specific subjects. Then they give way too much information.”
* “I think they’re plotting something.”
And I guess I understand the impulse to think that, but usually it’s because I’m paralyzed not knowing what my identity even is.
agender, introspective, longish
I think this is part of why I have so much trouble relating to people or figuring out how relationships — even casual friendships — are supposed to work. All of the hardware is there, all of the software is installed correctly, except I didn’t come with any configuration files whatsoever.
Which I guess I recognize as not broken, nor exactly. But it leaves people uncomfortable that I’m faking it. Which I guess I am.
Dragon. Agender, otherkin, occasional artist and writer, infosec engineer, in about that order. Avatar by Xeirla. Singular they/them preferred.
Also on @Goldkin (meow.social) for follow requests that don't work here.