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Someone made a Yoshi sprite for Zelda 2 randomizer. It replaces Link’s sword strike with a Yoshi tongue animation. And I think that is one of the best things I’ve seen today.

Goldkin boosted

Back in June I noticed that the elementary school by my house was flying a trans pride flag. Aw, yay, pride month inclusion.

Y'all, that flag is still up. The school year is in full swing. There are kids on that playground, and they are being told in no uncertain terms that they belong.

tech humor 

... and then I got to spend an extra 20 minutes manually fixing Slack’s dark theme on my machine again, because Slack.

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tech humor 

Apple: *bugfixes, performance enhancements, all these zanny new productivity-assisting multitouch gestures I will never even use*
Me: *yawn*
Apple: And we added a dark theme.

google+, snark 

Which I guess is a good reminder to be skeptical about what personal data to give corporations, even ones with relatively good data handling hygiene at the time.

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google+, snark 

Oh hey, Google+ is shutting down after it was shown to be exactly the privacy and accountability tar pit I was concerned about. And oh cool, people that provided their “real name” and real info had their data scraped by parties unknown, too.

I totally did not see that coming at all. </s>

(As a reminder, I work for a Google competitor, so opinions my own. None of these observations are based on privileged info.)

Speedrunners: Here are all of the ways I figured out how to break each of these and look amazing. I will now clip into the fifth plane and end the campaign before it even begins.

All DMs ever: *sigh*

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Adventure games I’ve played lately as D&D DMs:

Tomb Raider 2013: Here’s a puzzle. You glitch into a wall. You die.

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Here’s a puzzle. The orcs three rooms away hear you solving it. You die.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Here’s a puzzle. You try to jump down from a ledge. You die.

Breath of the Wild: Here’s a puzzle. You rolled what now? Cool!

Celeste: Here’s a puzzle. Here are all of the ways you die before succeeding. You climbed that mountain. It was _amazing_.

re: - 

And I guess I'm writing that here, in part, to get it out of my own head and so I take my own advice. Please take care of yourselves and remember that it is okay to just be you.

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re: - 

While it's important to remain engaged and present while all of this is happening (also, for the love of everything good, please vote), it's a good reminder that you don't need to constantly be immersed in what's happening.

It's entirely fine to be yourself, to protect your sense of self, while bad things are happening. And it's pragmatic to plan for a better future, instead of putting life constantly on hold because of situations outside your control.

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re: - 

When I was in an emotionally abusive household (with parties I will not name, as their situations have changed substantially since that time), my way out of the abusive pattern was limiting my exposure to it and planning for my own future. I spent a lot of time reading fiction, and many of my art projects focused on building a better world than my day-to-day lived existence.

It's taken me awhile to realize that that isn't escapism. It's pragmatism when existence takes on an unreal quality.

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The K nomination battle this week is the first time the news has physically made me ill enough that I couldn't function. As before, I've had to disengage from the news for my health.

Some parting words on it: this is not "just how the world works." Our leaders have chosen dysfunction and power consolidation as their only viable strategy for weak governance.

It's easy to become cynical, when this is the closer to how abusers convince you there is no alternative to an abusive pattern. There is. Heh, I’d wondered if it was you when I saw the commentary tracker on Speedgaming. I’m assuming so, and I hope it’s been a blast!

birdsite TOS changes 

Twitter just changed its policies to prevent distribution of dox materials, hacked content, and fake accounts (among others):

This appears to be for US elections, but if they implement this generically, this might also help block some of the common targeted harassment scenarios.

Which doesn’t entice me to return, but I’ll be interested in how they roll this out.

TIL: there is a game named Pet the Pup at the Party, and it is the best thing ever.

Short primer on dealing with disinfo 

I’ll append more if I can, but those are the big ones I can think of for now. Feel free to add your own to this thread if you know of any I missed.

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Short primer on dealing with disinfo 

(I’ve kept a therapist for about 5 years. It’s helped me get through a lot, and is strongly recommended as general maintenance. I cannot stress how much it helps if you can find one.)

Fourth, remember that not all disinfo is designed with a target in mind. Several campaigns are designed to mentally or emotionally paralyze you by bombarding you with too much info, making the truth hard to find, or trying to convince you to stop trying.

Ignore those outright.

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Short primer on dealing with disinfo 

Third, stay calm. It’s really easy to panic if you or a friend gets targeted. Step back, go offline for awhile if you need to, and make a plan to get through it. It’s going to be okay.

Some people, even people you care about, will fall for it. Reach out to people that haven’t and set up a support network for yourself. It’s often really easy to feel like everything is falling apart, but it isn’t.

Also, get yourself a therapist if you can. Seriously. It helps.

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Short primer on dealing with disinfo 

Second, don’t try to publicly refute the attackers or any online mobs they send your way. Protect yourself first. provides actionable info that you can use to audit your online presence and handle being targeted.

Especially good here: get yourself a security key for your personal email. If you use Gmail, you can also set up Google Advanced Protection on your accounts:

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Short primer on dealing with disinfo 

Hey, so, a few words about disinfo campaigns, because I’m seeing a lot of people I know targeted as they flee birdsite or end up in the crosshairs of Internet hate groups:

First, trust but verify. If you can’t source a claim to a credible source, distrust it or at least remain skeptical. Quite a few hate groups launder fake info through seemingly credible websites and whisper campaigns, and it’s worth not trusting those until credible evidence comes forward.

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