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assistance request, paypal link, (--) 

I know it's a lot to ask around the holidays but we really, really need help. Disability hasn't come through for me and the disability office isn't being cooperative, we're behind on rent and can barely keep food on the table much less pay for utilities. this end of the polycule is almost all disabled and unable to work and the only member who can work can't support us and herself, and she's doing her best regardless. Please, please help.

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Goldkin boosted
Goldkin boosted

Pokemon ⚔️🛡, rental team share, larger spoilers and build notes 

I mainly run Zacian - Toxtricity - Togekiss through PVE Battle Tower, and this set carried very easily to 50 consecutive wins. I rounded it out with Kommo-o for playing in Doubles or for good typing, and two defensive builds blatantly stolen from Smogon's Uber tier with balanced typing.

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Pokemon ⚔️🛡, rental team share, mild spoilers 

(Also, if anyone knows how to invoke ocrbot on this, or if that works well, I'll be ever so grateful since it's a ton of text.)

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Pokemon ⚔️🛡, rental team share, mild spoilers 

For anyone wanting a usable team online and into postgame that doesn't want to spend time building it themselves, here's one I built that you can grab from Vs > Rental Teams.

It still needs some field testing and debugging on the defensive side, but it should be usable in Battle Tower and its online equivalents (and by folks on Shield that want to use Zacian).

Pokemon ⚔️🛡, meta 

This game is forcing me to release Pokemon since the maximum is 32 boxes, but I feel... a bit uncomfortable that I reinvented this pattern. >..>

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Pokemon ⚔️🛡, meta 

I've reached the point in the game where I have caught them all except for the other legendary and one other Pokemon, so I am finally organizing my boxes.

One of my boxes is now "Box o' Ditto", which is exactly what it says on the tin.

Goldkin boosted
Goldkin boosted

Twitter is going to purge inactive users who haven't logged in the past 6 months on 11 December.

I know most of you don't use Twitter or moved on but if you have an inactive account that you don't want deleted, just peek in and peek out. That'll do it.

Goldkin boosted

begging for help with vet bill (long) (OK to RT) 

It's been a stressful couple of weeks. My family searched everywhere for our missing cat for five days: searched his hiding places, visited all the shelters, canvassed the neighborhood with "lost cat" fliers, posted about him in a bunch of regional groups online, updated his microchip info, put his cat bed and toys out on the porch, everything. We'd just about given up hope for seeing him again, because he can't survive for long without getting medicine every day.

As a last effort, we cooked some chicken with the windows open. We couldn't believe it when he suddenly showed up at the door! ...Staggering, with a big infected wound that he must have had for days. We rushed him to the emergency vet, who put him on fluids, started cleaning him up, and had to keep him overnight for a few days. He's going in for surgery right now, as I write this.

His vet bill is still just an estimate, but it's at least USD$3200. They expect it to end up around $5500, depending on how his surgery goes. Those are scarily big numbers for us, but getting him this care was the right thing to do. We couldn't stand doing anything else. We're planning on rebuilding a porch to be a catio, to convince Mr. Wild Man Of The Woods to be a strictly indoor-only cat from now on, too. Still, this is difficult timing for such a big unexpected expense, because I'm not working right now, I'm a full-time student, as part of making a career change. I'd appreciate any help with paying off this vet bill. You can chip in to my Ko-Fi:

The lesson from this is that if you ever have a missing pet, cook their favorite food with the windows open *first.* It'll save you a *lot* of trouble.

Goldkin boosted

i want to see a pokemon fan game where you play as a pokemon who stole a trainer's hat

and discover that nobody can tell you're a pokemon as long as you're wearing the hat

the professor offers you a starter pokemon and you just kind of bat at one of the pokeballs with a paw, so they say "the strong silent type, yeah? some of the most powerful trainers in the world were the same way"

you fight the first gym leader by placing a pokeball down with your mouth and pressing the button, and your opponent is wowed by your eccentric technique

and the whole game continues that way until your hat gets knocked off in the middle of the battle with the champion

Goldkin boosted

Today feels like a good day to open up registration on for a bit.

Pokemon ⚔️🛡, mild spoilers 

Holy deuce, I can see why Smogon banned Moody as an ability. Its +2/-1 stacks very quickly.

It's also kind of funny facing it in a max raid battle, since it can go off in very unpredictable ways for the opposing Pokemon. Which, uh, probably isn't the developers' intent, but does provide a welcome challenge.

Pokemon ⚔️🛡, easter egg 

Omg, this actually does something now!

Pokemon ⚔️🛡, postgame spoilers 

Into postgame, this game casts the main character as the antihero to foil for the supporting cast, instead of making it all about their journey. And I like that, much more than had they run with effusive praise like all the previous games.

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Pokemon ⚔️🛡, postgame spoilers 

One of the best things: they left the best character writing for postgame. Champion Leon’s writing is as flat as rice paper during the main story, but he really comes into his own once he becomes your rival in the battle tower — and his backstory reflects that, too.

It feels like this story is written as your _rivals’_ coming of age arc, not the main player’s. Which is a good take, since the main player is expected to sweep everything anyway, per series tradition.

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