@Felthry Miiight have more to do with "wood" man than anything, but not 100% sure on that.
@Felthry It's a reference to this specifically https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/siivagunner/images/b/b8/GilvaSunner%27s_Highest_Quality_Video_Game_Rips-_Volume_7-_Part_mm2wood.png/revision/latest?cb=20210815185321
There's quite a bit of lore surrounding it, but long story short there was a Wood Man midi made in 1996 that got reintroduced to the world in 2006 during a Siivagunner youtube reboot, and that particular image became the album cover art for a collection of "high quality" rips of video game music which included the mm2wood midi "rip". That particular image is what is being memed
@Kilroy ugh, i really dislike silvagunner
@Felthry Wait no 100% wrong, it's a reference to something else, give me a couple minutes to dig into this