Any time anyone asks me ‘what’s going on with Dreams, Cara’ I mostly just want to send them this every time
pal's computer broke and needs it to do art commissions to support himself and his cats
pay link
and their gallery if you wanna take a gander
if you wouldnt mind helping thatd be wonderful, mutual aid and whatnot
thanks yall
@noiob shorks, hardware nonsense, "hmm, lemme restart it"
Huh, a Raspberry PCI!
For when you need to mount a tiny computer inside your regular-sized computer.
@Elizabeth those pants make her look like one of the school kids from Persona 5!
@noiob I love my dumb gay child
@Elizabeth CompuGlobalHyperMegaPet
@bogpunk Ontario's message was bilingual and hearing the google assistant trying to pronounce the french words in english was very fun
@Kaffe I think 'rouge' is a better fit. roux generally means redhead or the mix of butter and flour you use as the base of a sauce
Your friendly neighbourhood enby