Nothing like channeling a little emotion into finishing a project that has been sitting in a folder for weeks! ^^

@Veladynee neato, what'd you use to make them? And I didn't realize you liked dolphins.

@Leucrotta Sculpted the model in ZBrush, started with a ZSphere rig and then digital claysculpting and painting!

And yeah, I do. ^^ They are pretty up there on the "oooo neat" creatures list for me! Plus I'm basically a glorified one myself! ^^

@Veladynee I thought you were a fish thing? But I assume now lungs collapse and you surface for air etc.

@Leucrotta Yeh, I have large lung capacity afaik. And need to surface for air. ^^ Other than that am boring drgn~

@Leucrotta I agree! Always feel free to ask things if you ever are curious. ^^ Or strike up a convo on aquatic things


@Veladynee for starters how do you get around nitrogen narcosis when you surface, and since you’re I assume an endotherm, was wondering about scales or skin and whether you have a blubber layer, etc...

@Leucrotta The narcosis I didn't dive super, no more than maybe 90 feet max, but still directly unsure. I didn't deal with as much pressure issues but could if I went /too/ deep, dizziness and euphoria among other stuff... But it does make me wonder if instead of high lungs directly I simply stored it in the blood.

Endotherm, yes. For blubber... I don't remember ever having a cross section of my own form to make a determination but blubber wouldn't surprise me in the least. ^^;

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