@zebratron2084 *hugs* It's okay. Emotional is going to be wobbly for a long time, but I think because they surprised me and that knocked me down, that soaked most of the force. I also uh, think they must've found a trigger where I dissociated to the extent that it didn't occur to me to fight back, so it's not like I'm being all that self-controlled.
Hope you're holding out okay down there!
@Leucrotta Shiiiiit. That's a hell of a thing. *hug* And yeah, I've been in that dissociative sinkhole too, you can probably guess when...
We're doing OKish! Peg's been tearing up a string of really weird commissions and it's been fun to watch. And I'm trying to formulate some ways to compromise with people on some of the political stuff. Probably going to try to de-stress by doing some serious cooking this weekend.