local politics rant
someone linking a story about FRAUDSTERS TARGETING WA UNEMPLOYMENT!
dude I've tried to get UI in Washington State and I jumped through a batch of hoops before they told me no, and don't reapply for months. I can't imagine HORRIBLE FRAUDSTERS succeeding in getting any money from Unemployment
and we have what, Amazon successfully leeching off our entire fucking city, we have fucking Bezos, and the problem here is suddenly that some people might enjoy a few extra cans of Chef Boyardee on WA's dime?
FUCK all y'all
fucking Republican punitive-obsessed crapwipes
re: local politics rant
@Leucrotta honestly I don't fucking trust anyone who makes a big stink about unemployment/etc fraud
like even if they genuinely don't meet the requirements or whatever chances are they still need that money a lot more than oh I don't know, big corporations that the right is more than happy to throw millions of times the money at at the drop of a goddamn hat, no questions asked