I feel like a fraud when people talk about their woo. Because it seems so damn cool and intriguing and it's something everyone around me is super excited about, especially people i admire and want to get closer too. Neptunians and alchemists and pagans and explorers of every shape size and density all seem to have this part of their minds that is super important to them and that i know is perfectly valid and useful and in no way is causing harm to them or to anyone else that I can see.
But I just don't seem to connect on the same level, and I don't know if I can.
I don't have a system, or a pantheon, or rituals of my own. And I don't feel right using someone elses without having the context or knowing all the pieces or getting all the lore.
There's just this huskybot who feels alone in her circuits sometimes who catches the back-scatter of lots of other signals being broadcasted but can't integrate the data.
@kelseyhusky which is a perfectly ok way to be, but I suspect you’re one of the many in between people. It’s entirely possible that magic and spirituality haven’t yet been phrased in an accessible way.
My gut feeling here is, how you work as an engineer, and how you like seeing how stories unfold, share a similar logic and that you could really grok spirituality with *that* logic.