#drawings today were all about hands and feet actually. And KMT, not really sure why.
Does Mulhorand even exist in 5e? I thought 4e canon was they went away and were replaced by dragonborn… but 5e is notorious for “everything we said happened in 4e is completely back to normal.”
#drawings today while listening to The Thirteenth Warrior soundtrack (plus a suite for First Night and a little bit of Red Sonya)
Characters in the wilderness means McBride can use elements of traditional and more European landscape painting to frame big action! And yes, Indian rhinoceri used to be native to China.
Adventure in progress! McBride's showing us a jailbreak - something which doesn't show up in games much but could. I really like how the rain and darkness add drama but also keep you looking at the main cluster of figures literally coming off the page towards you.
More McBride historical art which is what fantasy is all about for me. Wandering the bleak wilderness our Celtic heroes are surrounded by *very* bad omens indeed.
#drawings today, still fantasizing about minis I’d like to have, and I just don’t get tired of drawing minotaurs.
#drawings which don’t look like much. I didn’t like how those wolves yesterday came out so I drew off a batch of photos, feel like these two pages really “got” the flexibility of their forequarters.
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.