@Tuftears no, but I'm using traditional pencils, and since they get blunt they effectively wind up broader.

@Tuftears this is just going over pencil lines - for a while there I'd scan pencils like this just to get myself coloring them ASAP.

the administration‘s latest attempt to excuse Signalgate with “but he texted like an uWu foxxo the whole time”

dwone stwike pwanned for YOUR JOCKSTRAP at 1830 ^•^

Would a really stacked otter furry be the Boob Tube?

Oh yeah, my favorite Modest Mouse track, “There Is No God and Life’s Just an Uncomfortable Haul but Please Buy My Album.”

This world is in some ways really designed to make you feel like you have no value and you’ve achieved nothing if you’re at all sensitive to that and of course, since they train you early it winds up being pretty cumulative

@Oneironott no, they got the metric system, they don't know what the fuck "extra paws" are

they call it a ROYALE with taur

coyote sing along hour 

all the things I have left to lose will someday be gone too
back into annihilation
all things must change, maybe it's better off that way
I wish you'd never change
how lucky I ever was to see
the way that you smiled at me
your little moon face looking up at me
one day soon there'll be nothing left of you and me


hey man, what're you tryin' to do to my new RECORD, I just BOUGHT it

* Ian McDiarmaid voice

Oh, yes, I’m Cuban Pete. I’m the king of the rumba beat. And now I sense you wish to continue the search for young Skywalker.

@erin_kitsune poor sweetheart, baths are as traumatic as surgery. Hopefully this will work okay!

being a bad night on sleep

I think I need to start planning on more little treats for myself and maybe more time off so that I feel like I'm working *towards* something.

trying to remember the definition of the future is that it's unknowable, there are any number of things that can happen and, if I survive, it's entirely possible that bright days AND utter misery are ahead. That said, my C/PTSD broken brain isn't great at seeing there's a long term of any sort, just immediate reasons for jumpiness and of course, a past with the worst bits lost in grinding memory.

Someday, the worst of this will be lost to memory.

Suddenly realizing ethnic anger (you're either invisible or a villain) doesn't just stack with personal experience in school (it's great to bully you, but the moment you try anything, you're this horrific monster) but it plays out exactly in how angry I am about media treatments of protesters.

let's see if listening to Heilung while stoned gets me anywhere

* Spongebob voice SECONDS LATER

* naked, except for frantically scrawling KENAZ JERO BIRKANA MANAZ RAIDO on one forearm and THURISAZ FEHU SOWELU ISA NAUTHIZ URUZ down the other in Sharpie

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