listening to parts of the Ep I soundtrack which aren't Duel of the Fates and it's honestly awesome. It's very much why you hire John Williams who almost always writes scores better than the movie they're in. I think I slept on it because Ep I was "a mostly fun movie set in the Star Wars universe" which is pretty disappointing after the first trilogy.
oh, so THAT'S Sukasa
no wonder a provincial official has such nice things. Look, spiked tea! #MovieQuotes
oh fuck yes the dude who posts soundtrack suites FINALLY posted the best period film EVER
*scratches frantically behind ear *
subpost; I hate how capitalism, which theoretically wants consumers/potential innovators/potential investors all over the place - winds up being about consolidation of money. I hate how theoretically those of us who haven't inherited money have a carrot and a stick as motivation, but in actuality there's less carrot and more stick every year.
heh. heh heh. Beholder gonna fuck you up.
I spent an entire fucking over an hour getting back from Bellevue, and the grocery store was out of the mugicha I like, and the only tea eggs were shelled, and this radish cake cost $7 more than I thought it was going to, kvetch kvetch kvetch
but a friend pointed me towards "Gnome" and they're awesome and I now want to get VERY STONED
as soon as I actually have something and don't need to worry about drug testing I am going to launch myself out into the Kuyper Belt
watching this Elmore art book video there's a piece where he painted out owlbears or w/e 'cause he didn't like them. Wait. I've seen this painting in an old 2e splatbook. They weren't owlbears, they were DIRE FOXES. Look at these major chonkers!
dear [company] your use of ethnic stereotypes to advertise have suddenly TF'ed me into an angry aging African-American Studies Professor writing a paper on Blackness being commodified, and I'm neither that angry nor that Black. Seriously you went past code swapping into "laying it on with a trowel".
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.