there ya go, mute the sound on the second video
oh RIGHT I ran into this and it was too cute for words
check this out, "Harlequin rabbits" are actual animals and not from an awesome furry take on 40K
look at these guys, they look so SOFT! I really hope they're good natured, I know exactly nothing about pet rabbits but it'd be a shame if they weren't gentle and nice.
If 'disco' places time squarely in the 70s, then the 'inferno' is presumably for lighting cigarettes. They're actually singing about chainsmoking.
holy shit this is a surprisingly listenable instrumental
it's wild how zweihander looks like polearm more than sword use. Wonder if that was sword technique diverging as some evolution of longsword?
naginata/nagimasa might wind up equivalent to zweihander, a long blade for big sweeping circular movements that you can shorten through your grip in a pinch - something in between halberd/yari and sword (especially because katana are shorter weapons). Now I'm wondering if no-dachi were way more swordsmith bragging rights to show up as often.
Woke up with acid reflux and slightly anxious and thought; you know, it's been a while and I'd been thinking about it for a while, might it be worthwhile to have a half edible as a way of tackling consistent but low anxiety? That seems to have been around a lot the last week or so.
So waiting for that to kick in.
so I already had the blinds open to watch the rain and lightning, and I'd just turned the lights off when I realized this was PERFECT to sit in my chair and play
oh yeaaaaaaaah
The latest bathroom reading is October '84's Dragon Magazine, in which the PCs can go visit Gladsheim, home of the Norse gods (and a few others apparently PCs don't want to visit like uh... Bast?), so here's a list of spells which won't work and penalized class abilities (also, you probably can't get anywhere by climbing Yggdrassil).
Old AD&D was full of stuff this offputting like class requirements and I'm having a "how did this get off the ground without being heavily house ruled?" moment.
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.