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up with acid reflux and having the thing where years of having learned that I'm this utterly terrible person with nothing to really look forwards to, means that I'm capable of rejecting all the negativity as probably untrue - but I still THINK about it, and I can't necessarily come up with positives as a counter.

If that makes sense? The absence of bad self talk isn't necessarily good self talk.

One thing generative AI does real well; it combines the disappointment of finding out that cool thing or artist doesn’t actually exist AND the frustration of living in some rich tech bro’s masturbatory fantasy.

the part of Spider Man 2 when a dejected Otto Ottavius, his beloved wife and dreams of a plentiful self renewing energy source now dead, realizes that the secret of Christmas is that ANYONE can do it. Eureka! This year Christmas is on US! Hee hee hee!

pol adjacent, personal, ugh 

housemate is listening to some sort of outraged as far as I can tell trans man's podcast about the Olympic boxing controversy and we're all technically on the same side but

1) Anger is easy for me so I don't trust people trying to pull my anger

2) I don't trust buzzwords, I'm supposed to automatically believe everything as soon as soon as imperialism, colonialism, racism or fascism surfaces, same as Russian, liberal and communist are other words supposed to automatically decide my opinion.

3) I don't LIKE being angry and wanting to be angry in my spare time

4) I definitely don't trust people pulling my anger when it's someone's cottage industry

Really wish I had time and money for therapy rn.

reposted from

Mozilla is toying with implementing AI features in Firefox. please show up to the Mozilla feedback forum with me and tell them to Knock It The Fuck Off lol

it's hyperfixation time; Africa's fucking big 

re-reading "The African Knights" got me realizing how freaking big Africa is. (The title's misleading, because you can't talk about heavily armored cavalrymen without the archers and musketeers who were the reason that armor existed.)

These are all Hausa, so they're fairly inland and seem really different from what little I know about Ife kingdoms and people. That... doesn't seem like a relatively small part of the map.

Earlier I'd run into the idea that Africa shows up as smaller on maps as convenient to Eurocentrism. Mercator projections enlarge stuff further from the equator, and most of Africa and South America are close to the equator therefore less distorted.

Articles talking about this tend to compare places we think of as big (the USA or PRC) to the continent. If you fit west Texas to the Ivory Coast, Hausaland is might be around Illinois; if you flip China and put the eastern edge at the Ivory Coast, this stuff might be somewhere around Xi'an. HUGE.

Cool how some of our oldest stories basically illustrate when sequels work ("what if instead of another epic war we spun off what happened to Agamemnon, then covered themes of justice and vengeance for a few plays") and when they don't ("what if Beowulf fought Grendel's mom? How about a dragon?").

KNKX this evening pointed out that of all things the late great Isaac Hayes covered "Fever" so I looked it up and it's a banger

My next D&D character will be a monk who draws his powers from the Plane of Elemental Air

so an Air Friar

you can tell western coyotes from eastern coyotes because an eastern coyote is larger, usually has a broader muzzle and smaller ears, and typically prefers thinner crust pizzas

and remembering that sometimes what I want doesn't happen, not because of any big personal or intentional thing, but simply because timing didn't work out in my favor.

just thinking - early in the morning and underslept is a great time for it - about how the ideal I feel I have to meet is different from both where I'd be comfortable and possibly what other people actually want.

I really wish timing were better for hiking with friends later AND having a half edible to deal with some of the weird anxiety.

if I had a nickel for every time Alan Silvestri wrote a "Tunnel Chase" piece I'd have 15 cents, which isn't much but it's still noteworthy

oooh! If I eat all these Cliff Bars I have a chance to win a wilderness adventure trip where I can eat EVEN MORE CLIFF BARS!

which would bother Star Wars fans more, referring to The Imperial March as "the music for that dude saying DESSSTINY" or "The Standing at Parade Rest In Front of Windows Theme Tune"?

reflexively moving to raise a lightsaber in salute like Obi-Wan every time I hear The Force leitmotif

including ska versions

In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face.

All save one. There waiting sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax.

“Oi PISS OFF!” said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted. "We ain’t interested, we’ve already got one and anyway we’re closed for the evening!”

Random thought; the most D&D element of Lord of the Rings is how Aragorn - a ranger who would probably like to avoid encumbrance or notice by magical creatures - wanders all over the place with a straight up broken artifact of legend, because he might get it fixed up in a few levels.

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