Hey Bay Area critters!
Do y'all take BART? Do you ever wish you had live info on when you'll get to your destination, or how much time you have on the platform to make a transfer, or whether a transfer is faster than going direct?
I made just the thing for you! (Well, really mostly for us, but I figure others might find it useful as well.)
It's fast (ish), it's super lightweight since it's completely server-side, and it should work on just about anything. Check it out!
#SUBPOST even more horrifically I realized you can sing “what’s new atheist?” to the tune of “what’s new pussycat?”
Yesterday’s #drawing. Inspired by Wargames Atlantic’s werewolves, I wanted to try more Hollywood style part bareskinned werewolves. I now think the feet should be five toed - there’s just too much muscle on a human’s big toe for it to absorb/become a dewclaw.
meine Herren heute sehen Sie mich Glaesser abwaschen
und ich mache die Bett fuer jeden
und die geben mir ein' Pfennig und bedanke mich schnell
und Sie seh'n ich bin ein Lump in dies' lumpiges Hotel
Okay finally finished invoicing so BEFORE I get caught up in janitor stuff, here’s yesterday’s #drawings. I wanted to work on ungulates specifically for different body types but, also, carnivore faces are easier to anthropomorphize. CW tame nudity
Uspol “debate”
Look, we all know how this’ll play out; Harris will run intellectual circles around, and be far more charming than, Trump. Trump will rapid fire semi coherent bullshit, at least most of which will be horrifying and untrue. Media will declare both candidates performed equally well. So why even watch?
mh -
why am I even awake right now?
as I get older I realize that one of my big difficulties is something uncomfortable happens - I'm stuck in traffic or at work (no longer stuck in school or at my parents' place as often), sleep's broken, bits and pieces of the greater world are terrible - and it sets me up to notice negatives. And before I turned 18 and got free, I never had to wait long before something bad slammed in while I was off balance. Consequently a lot of why I feel bad is trained observation bias; it took years getting to where this is obvious, but I'm not quite at "can step past it" yet.
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.