Unusually terrible traffic with added emotional trigger really dinged my mood. Anyway! Here’s a #drawing from yesterday.
It still really weirds me out that the Luna Wolves aren’t the Space Wolves, that they don’t have a falcon motif like you’d expect from a primarch named Horus and the vaguely New Kingdom looking dudes are instead the Thousand Sons whose primarch is Magnus the Red. Who’s got the eye thing at least but you’d figure “Magnus” would be the Space Wolves primarch.
this is clearly the boss stage where you fight the Tyrannosaurus
the modern trend of remaking classic movies but with Hercule Poirot
"zey do not advertise for killers in the newspaper, non? For zat is what Poirot was. Ex-gendarme. Ex-killer. Ex-Bladerunner. Poirot quit because, 'ow you say it, Poirot had a mustache-full of killing. 'Owever; 'e would rather be a killer zan a victim."
"Ah. M'sieur 'Ammond; your scientists, zey were so busy asking whether they could, zey did not bother to ask Poirot whether they should."
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.