#subpost in Ancient Rome it was pretty common to get takeout regularly
yeah but they kicked me out of Taco Bell last time I inscribed the table with a crude picture of Lucius the Retiarius and a comment about how he now fishes for men's buttholes
I don’t care if Monday’s shit
Tuesday, Wednesday throw a fit
Thursday I’m so done with it
It’s Friday I’m in love!
#subpost Elmo, son of Erathorn, son of Eredor, true heir of Elendil and bearer of The Sword What Was Broken
(This is a joke of course. Google reveals Elmo’s father is Louie.)
so uh I really had liked this book by Frances and Joseph Gies, Life in a Medieval City
and I inadvertently discovered their version of Jews in Louis IX’s kingdom was very whitewashed for whatever reason.
Don’t get interested in medievalism if you’re Jewish, no matter how much you like D&D. It’ll break your heart.
Unusually terrible traffic with added emotional trigger really dinged my mood. Anyway! Here’s a #drawing from yesterday.
It still really weirds me out that the Luna Wolves aren’t the Space Wolves, that they don’t have a falcon motif like you’d expect from a primarch named Horus and the vaguely New Kingdom looking dudes are instead the Thousand Sons whose primarch is Magnus the Red. Who’s got the eye thing at least but you’d figure “Magnus” would be the Space Wolves primarch.
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.