thoughts, uspol related, hopefulness
My ancestors lived in a world which told them they were disposable shit compared to the GOOD people, frequently by making them unwilling refugees or by killing them off. Part of what must've kept them going was feeling they had the right ideals, and feeling they had the right community.
Similarly the Refuge Vows call out not just the Buddha and the dharma but also the sangha; that it's not just my own innate worth, and not just my values, but my community.
I think I'm onto something with how I'd rather lose with all y'all than win with all of them.
This upcoming regime is going to kill me. Either I'll die in prison, protest, hate crime, or homeless camp thanks to their bullshit, the environmental effects of their deregulation will get me, or the wear on my emotional and therefore physical health will. But I was always going to die, and the key question is how I live before that comes to an end. I did the right thing here. I will continue to try and do the right thing on my path through prison, protest, hate crime or homeless camp.
Remind me this gives me hope, when I'm screaming in discomfort, will'ya?
not directed at anyone here, vent, mh - -
you fucktastic Scheiss fuer Gehirnen
you absolute human shit, I grew up in your goddamn southeast fundie crap for 18 fucking years of my fucking life and it was crap, it wasn't some paradise
I'm sick of my planet being destroyed because you guys hate Black people or whatever the fuck
we COULD HAVE BEEN AN OKAY COUNTRY but you SHITS decided no it's way better that we be some repressive fucking Christian Klan masturbatory fantasy
fuck all y'all!
oh yeah guess what time it is
Have you ever thought about what you could eat if you had Wolverine’s healing factor? You could drink a chorizo-potatoes-and-egg milkshake. You could mix ghost pepper into cream cheese and spread it on figs. You could make a literal everything bagel by putting everything in the fridge on a bagel. You could have all this right before bedtime.
Rant re my “allies”
#subpost I accept by now there’s a standard assumption that only one bad thing ever happened to Jews, in only one place, and since 1945 things have been just GREAT for us, because we’re all as white as Charles III. But from how you talk you’ve never actually met a Black person have you?
Some of us were BORN into our lives, our right to exist let alone be connected to our ancestors and their cultures, being politicized. It’d be a REAL nice gesture if you remembered that.
"I don't GEEET it, why would sandpeople wanna slaughter Jawas?"
"They did not. But we were meant to think they did."
"These are the same Jawas who sold us Artoo and Threepio."
"These bantha tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers. And these blaster marks, too accurate for Sandpeople, only IMPERIAL STORMTROOPERS are that precise."
"If they tracked them here they must've tracked them... hooome!"
"Wait Luke it's far too dange... oh BUGGER."
Lots of random gunk, but some drawings and cooking talk too. Obsesses about DnD and related topics. Left-leaning/profoundly frustrated politics. Black lives matter; trans rights are human rights.
Occasionally NSFW art and discussion, please do follow if you're 18+.