'"We know a remote server farm in Lincolnshire, where www.mrsbuckleys.com stores data. This May 25 2018, Privacy Policies change there.” Do you really mean that?'
'Uh, yes. So, in other words, I’d start half a second later.'
'Don’t you think you really want to say “May” over the Privacy? Isn’t that the fun of it?'
'-it’ll make more-
'I think it’s so nice that–we aren’t even in the market any more, you see? We’re talking about policies changing and we've already sold them.''
'...in May.'
@Phorm @Momentrabbit ....Is that a euphemism for sexytimes? I can't tell anymore.
@Soreth @Momentrabbit I have legitimately 0% doubt that there are at least a couple people reading this, for whom the phrase "cryptographically secure your data" is decidedly arousing.
@JulieSqveakaroo @Momentrabbit @Phorm Frost his bag, frost his bag!
....Wait, wrong scene. Sorry.
We recommend using non-searchable answers for the safeword-recovery qvestions...
The safeword must be longer than 8 characters, and contain at least 3 ascii symbols.
@Momentrabbit "Get me a jury, and show me how you can change your privacy policy, and I'll... cryptographically secure your data in accord with government regulations"