mh (<~>)
All this work, time, medication, money, resources... just to hold things together.
I share this because I know some of you are struggling to hold things together. That it takes so much effort, sometimes. Just to keep the plates spinning, the balls in the air another few minutes. And when we succeed, the reward is nobody knowing. We pass, at work. On the subway. Walking down the sidewalk. On the phone.
I know it's hard. I'm proud of you. Keep going. *offers hug/pawbump/nod of approval*
mh (<~>)
@Momentrabbit Boosting that okay?
mh (<~>)
@porsupah Sure thing! Thank you for asking. **snugs**
mh (<~>)
@Momentrabbit oh wow. Oh, thank you! *hugs on really tightly if okay *
mh (<~>)
@Leucrotta Absolutely. **all of the hugging** n.n
mh (<~>)
*hugs!* so many of us are living in a nightmare shitshow, but at least it's a relatable experience! ^^;