status:endofJan(_failover//:rabbit)(mh -)
not great
still here
longer version:
resources extremely limited
depth of year-end burnout was perhaps deeper than realized
managing to maintain appearances during daylight hours at work
heavily self-censoring night activity to avoid messy breakdowns
low on meds, trying to get hold of psych, usual difficulties
our work is never over
status:endofJan(_failover//:rabbit)(mh -)
@Momentrabbit (Nuzzles, chirriping.) Rest as well as you can. Don't need to apologize for being used up.
status:endofJan(_failover//:rabbit)(mh -)
status:endofJan(_failover//:rabbit)(mh -)
@Momentrabbit Hopefully things are, at least, gradually heading in the right direction, even if the path remains bumpy. **hughughug**
re: status:endofJan(_failover//:rabbit)(mh -)
@Momentrabbit *hugs tight* Love ya, rabbit. Been scattered and busy therefore quiet, but I think about you a lot. Antler Mom is right beside me. Rubbing her antlers for you. <3