There's only so much I can do to make depression, verbal self-evisceration, and crushing separation anxiety interesting.
I know what happens to people who get on this cycle. I lived it all through college, and more importantly, I watched Daria.
I don't want to become the Misery Chick. Or more likely, given my utter resignation on gender issues, the Misery Dude. Or as I slowly, sadly drift away from you all on uspol, the Misery Shitlord.
I miss everybody. I honestly don't know what more I can do to fix things, from this state of low energy.
Trying to get back into therapy is turning into a bureaucratic clusterfuck and a painful reminder of class issues, and it's not helping that it seems to be people's first and only answer for dealing with these things.
And honestly, I've only had one therapist who's ever really been worth a damn. Not sure therapy is really good for my anarchist sensibilities. >_<
@zebratron2084 It's not driving me off, seeing you work things out in words here. Explicitly, if you want to rant or ramble and are concerned about doing it 'in public' you're always welcome to babble into my email.
@zebratron2084 I never regret my kindnesses as much as I regret my cruelties. 💜
@Momentrabbit You'll come to regret your kindness I'm sure. XD <3