Travel thread (SFO🛫YVR)
35 minutes past the boarding time, not counting the half hour it was already delayed. :')
Travel thread (SFO🛫YVR)
@Mous Every ten minutes or so I get a cold jolt of oH FUCK as I remember that this is new and scary
Travel thread (SFO🛫YVR)
@Mous Half an hour to boarding, struggling to say awake but don't want to give up my cozy corner-seat-next-to-the-outlets to go get coffee... :(
Travel thread (SFO🛫YVR)
@Mous Through security! And two and a half hours before my flight even begins boarding. Whoops!
Travel thread (SFO🛫YVR)
@Mous At the airport! Flight is apparently delayed half an hour, and I got here pretty early, so expect plenty of passing-the-time toots
Travel thread (SFO🛫YVR)
I don't have a great reason to be anxious! I've flown internationally for cons before. I've gone to Vancouver for cons before!
But I haven't flown internationally to Vancouver for a con before and therefore SCARY AAAAA
star trek: discovery
@Mous As a side note, I'm REALLY worried that the kelpien slave isn't actually mirror Saru and Burnham just can't tell the difference between kelpiens...
star trek: discovery
Oh my god mirror Spock took his facial hair inspiration from his DADDY
The glitchwyrm has risen again! Even the "OH NO!" button won't save you now.
An amazing Kid Pix commission from !
Tonight turned into impromptu anime night with @leafnoodle and my partner, and we went blind into one of the wildest rides I've had for a loooong time. Fun though!
Art Rodent, queer as hell, he/they
Personal account! I can also be found at