@vahnj to this day the great fairy always makes me slightly uncomfortable.
but also she tol
and tol gals = very yes.
@vahnj ohhhh my gosh
like for real
ps1 lara croft
when I first played tomb raider i had already heard people all like "MAAAN LARA CROFT IS SO HOT WITH HER HUGE TITS UNF" and I hadn't seen her so I got the game and looked at the cover and then played the game and looked at her ingame model and I was like
"...guys...what the fuck???????"
I mean sure I like boobs. boobs are nice. but...not ones you could cut glass with.
and I don't mean the nipples i mean those triangular wedge boobs..
@Nine it's uhhhh
it's for cutting holes in glass. yea, multi-use utili-tity!!!!