moving plans & thoughts
I am getting irritated at the number of cis people that, upon hearing that i want to move to Seattle, get this really skeptical "well it's really expensive and too many people are moving there and"
It highlights this gap of like… a lot of my cis friends here are wonderful, but don't understand what it's like to be trans in Cleveland. Many times when i end up expressing my worries (re: flying Friday for example) i get this dismissive "they/people wouldn't do that"
moving plans & thoughts
@Oneironott Yeah, erf, that's difficult. Everyone wants to believe in their own goodness, and doesn't want to think about others being mean.
But it does happen.
@Oneironott Most cis folks don't understand the concept of safety in numbers because they have that by default literally everywhere they go
moving plans & thoughts
There's just this growing frustration there of like "yeah, they wouldn't go that to you and you wouldn't do that to others do you assume others wouldn't do that to me"
But like
It doesn't work the way
And you're better most people