@Maiasma Nope, though I do love Sir Coffee.
@Maiasma In the meantime, I started a Soldier/Oathkeeper passive build. I named it after this Oglaf comic: https://www.oglaf.com/cleavage/
@Maiasma Understandable. Hopefully it's good busy?
@Maiasma Forgotten Gods drops tomorrow.
Still can't buy it on Steam. XD
@Maiasma Have you started Sekiro?
@Maiasma Ultimate.
@shaderphantom Also, that final boss fight was brutal.
@shaderphantom good luck!
@Satsuma Let me rephrase, no whole numbers.
@Satsuma No.
@kelseyhusky That's a lot of people I think.
@Maiasma Let's see... Saturday night I have a Cookie Brigade meeting. Tuesday night is board game night with Derek, Erin, Jesse, and Kadee (Chris is starting production for Chess and will be gone until the end of June.) and they all would like to see you if possible. Wed night I do some testing for Atlas games, but other than that, my schedule is pretty free. Let me know what works best for you and we can go from there!
@noiob Functioning as designed.
Also if you’re press or a content creator and attending @SXSWGaming@twitter.activitypub.actor, and you want to come check out @MythicOceanGame@twitter.activitypub.actor, hit me up! I’ll make sure some of the devs are free to chat with you about it. I may even be able to ensure they’ve had coffee first. #SXSWGaming
@Maiasma What's your schedule for next week?
@Maiasma Pretty sure Solael will be the most asshole-ish. :- b
@Maiasma I'm hoping so.
@Maiasma I just figured you were going Dreeg on principle. :D
Cookie Brigade organizer, game mechanic developer, PAX South Omeganaut 18/19.
Header by Shel Kahn of By Crom comics http://www.wealdcomics.com/?comic=by-crom-77 Avatar by https://twitter.com/srcoccetti