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Streaming Zelda 3 Randomizer, with what I was told was a terrible seed:

I guess I'll be going to Laguna Beach next week with @Xkeeper and, but I have no idea what things there are to do around there...

Anybody have any suggestions?

Fun fact: as of November 21, it will be 12 years since the last time a top human chess player won against a top computer chess player (Ruslan Ponomariov vs. Deep Fritz). Since then, the best a human has been able to do is force a draw.

Since then, chess computers have advanced far enough that cell phones can support chess software sufficient to defeat a human grandmaster.

Realizing I haven't read any books in months/years again. The last book I read was 0xabad1dea's Glory in the Thunder, and that was before we moved into this apartment last year...

I think my next step for the Itadaki Street 2 project is making some tool that can keep track of what textboxes are used where, where translated text can be added in, and how much space I have, so I don't accidentally overwrite other data...

I haven't been able to focus at all today. :\ I feel really exhausted even though I haven't done anything...

Sooo sleepy today... z.z I keep dozing off at my desk...

Sample is a voice saying "Bingo!" that's only played during the Bingo casino game. I never knew it was a voice clip until I slowed down its sample! ^.^

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I found the BRR-compressed sample data in Itadaki Street 2, and ripped it to WAV format! ^.^ There are 33 samples total.

I put all the ripped sample data online at .

Neat, I found district names! They were where I thought street names were, with a pointer in each street struct.

Today in Itadaki Street 2 translation news: Finished labelling each dialog window, text string, and concatenation array in all four main text banks. I even found some unused text that would have been used for debugging features in earlier builds!

I'm working on finding where each dialog window and text string is referenced in the code now, so I can start replacing them with translated text strings. It's slow going, and some text is actually written out manually in code...

I can already tell today will be one of those days where I'm sick and distracted all day, and won't have any focus for anything.

Maybe I should break from working for now and get some breakfast before I keep going...

Marking where each dialog window is referenced in Itadaki Street 2 today. I wish I knew why this game's code was so weird...

I don't know if I should work on making something else instead (another game of my own?) or just give up on making anything at all and find a job or what I should do at all... ;~;

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Feeling really down today, thinking about how I would like to finish the Itadaki Street 2 translation project by the end of the year, but feeling really guilty about working on it because I'm not getting paid for it and not using that time working on something that could make me money... ;~;

I just need something I can work on and feel like I'm accomplishing something while I'm doing it... Right now, that's IS2, but ... I don't know if it should be? :\

I haven't gotten anything done at all for the last three days... :\

Making lunch today, I remembered a cover/arrangement of a song they composed that I had worked on years ago but never finished, and was whistling and improvising some variations on it...

Maybe someday I'll finish it for them...

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Thinking today about a friend I haven't spoken with for a fairly long time now... They were a wonderful musician and programmer, but haven't had much online presence for quite some time now...


Idiot me somehow dropped my razor while I was shaving, and it caught on my fingernail and sliced half of it off... Thankfully we had a first-aid kit nearby, because it was bleeding pretty badly x.x

It hurts so badly to type or pick things up ;~; and I don't know how long it will take to heal...

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