@catterfly oops! Posted in wrong way!.
Just hide the rageboner. LOL
@catterfly happens to me all of the time.
@thefishcrow well, to be honest, probs gonna be up all night. It's already 0041 hours.
@thefishcrow the meme of the night is: JonLajoie
@thefishcrow wassup?
@apexys yo
@yrgfm Correct! You are a million dollars now! LOL
https://youtu.be/PGNiXGX2nLU OH YEAH
@thefishcrow yeah, I'm pretty solidly bisexual.
@thefishcrow I am bisexual, so I'm a part of LGBTQ, and I still didn't know this. Life just gets more and more confusing.
I'm a pansexual furry! My fursona is a turtle! And I have a boyfriend now! Also, nonbinary masculine? I think that is descriptive enough.