Northern Lights Scribblefest
What the fuck happened here??? Two hits of northern lights resulted in a page that started out as a baby dinosaur and its mom, which then turned into the view of mountains out an airplane window before devolving into a dark mess of scribbley shit with angry eyes in the center.
Jesus Christ. If I'm looking for creative help, Northern Lights is NOT tue strain for me because this is what it produced.
Reminder for Tomorrow
5551 SW Admiral Way, Seattle, WA 98116
Street parking is on SW Stevens St just before the bridge.
Trauma and Honesty
There's nothing quite like the feelings of self doubt that come from past experiences where no matter how honest and sincere you are, someone always thought you were lying and berated you for it...
It always makes you second guess yourself when you're being honest because a part of you is on edge about everyone doubting you... That has to be the most psychologically damaging feeling out there.
"after the revolution"
the cosplay people swarming Seattle made me think: after the revolution, we might be able to imbue daily life with some of the semiotic richness and playfulness of that's currently seen mostly at cons and similar point-events. that lighter, looser sense of public life might help compensate for what, for many people, will be inevitably be a diminished material standard of living. i'm willing to make that trade personally.
Inner City Pocket Dimension
Looks like we're expecting rain tomorrow. Ibrecommend dressing for the weather. That includes adequate footwear for muddy trails.
Fuck Wage Slavery
I'm looking at the bright side of all this. I can catch up with everybody in my community, I can put effort into helping complete the arts collective I'm in, I can focus on media production with Cascadia Underground, and I can finally focus on being a cartoonist.
The cabin can wait. All I wish is to pursue the career I've always dreamed of, and give a big fuck you to wage slavery.
Abstrace vs Concrete...Or lack thereof
@Leucrotta (cont.) I have a day job because I have to. Not because I want to. If universal basic income were in play, or if we stopped relying on rectangles of imaginary value altogether, I wouldn't even need to worry about finding a pointless day job. I could just draw cartoons all day and be happy with my life.
Abstrace vs Concrete...Or lack thereof
@Leucrotta Yes. For me, that's exactly the case. The only purpose of a day job is to accquire the money needed to do what I really want with my life. So the less mental energy said job takes, the more I can divest towards being an artist.
Abstrace vs Concrete...Or lack thereof
It always feels weird calling myself a laser-focused and concrete thinker at work when outside of it I'm always stuck in abstract, creative thinking and existential concepts.
And then I realize just how little this has to do with absolutes. I'm indeed an abstract thinker, but I need a job where I'm a concrete thinker because it's grounding. There is something very zen about falling into the pattern of digging a hole or laying bricks.