god I don't think I've seen a single fighting game more unappealing than Blade Strangers and I'm counting Thrill Kill
@ShugoWah maybe one day nicalis will stop banking on cave story and isaac to sell games
@ShugoWah there's something shockingly bland about it but it's too competently made to be a Scrublords episode
@ShugoWah wait, are they bad somehow?
@Felthry weirdly racist localizations and they've released like 8 goddamn versions of Cave Story at $40 each that are all almost objectively worst than Pixel's original game
@ShugoWah the free original has the most appealing music and visuals anyways!!
@connie hard agree
@ShugoWah I played the heck out of the original version, and then ended up buying it twice (Steam and Wii) with the thought I'd be supporting Pixel. Seems that I also supported some terrible other people.
it's the distant year of 2035
nicalis is -still- shitting on the corpse of cave story sell new mediocre games