@datastains I can see it! I'm pretty sure I've had something like that on ice cream before, just... not hot!
@datastains wow, I can't say as I've ever thought about cooked bananas aside from like, maybe banana bread I guess?
@XerTheSquirrel they're good!
nsfw, porn
@tielqt I'm like 95% sure that's Kilinah just based on the style and that very specific shade of blue
@tielqt yeah, a lot of it is like that for me. Occasionally something horny is like, really good, but most of it is background radiation
(or worse, when a thing trying REALLY HARD to be a specific kind of horny, but does absolutely nothing for me)
@XerTheSquirrel are those new glasses?
Also I really like that they successfully pulled off the bit where they point at their own show and their own character and say "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE HIM" directly to their own audience
But like, it's also absolutely a valid criticism for the whole scene of irony poisoned and cynically detached asshole protagonists we're getting so, so many of these days
@DespiaShrq yeah, it fits perfectly with the "we made him terrible and you assholes are all still cheering for him" bit i just got to
Definitely intentionally making connections between Philbert and Bojack himself there.
Oh my god, the whole part where they make Philbert an unlikable, but vulnerable asshole and everyone likes him despite the point being that they made him intentionally unlikable.
And people like him and cheer for him anyway.
And they very specifically, in no uncertain terms, call out that specific thing.
I bet it's still going to go over so many people's heads.
@DespiaShrq the only thing is, I dunno, I hope that side of things lands?
I can't help but think of Rick and Morty which is... honestly it's an *okay* show, right up until everyone decided Rick was cool and his hostility and ironic detachment were things they wanted to *emulate* instead of crippling character flaws.
@DespiaShrq oh yeah, like, Bojack is absolutely not supposed to be the good guy here or anything. The show's about him, but he's terrible. And probably not redeemable.
And at least so far, this season has at least started explicitly talking about how after a couple years, everyone forgets and bad people get away scot free. So there's that.
@ArrBianca ah yes, that would do it as well!
(I didn't know it was newwwww!)
@ArrBianca I definitely don't know how they handle it on more modern laptops. Especially hermetically sealed ones like Apple, so I'm afraid I can't be of much use there :(
@masklayer do you ever think about how birds are t-posing when they fly
I can't go to hell - I'm all out of vacation days.
Birds are good. Computers are bad. I'm too old for this.