@Nurbs im not even real
@Nurbs what even is a animal
@PK it's like someone's been leaking our internal emails
@ticky oh yeah, Bandcamp would actually be a really good one.
@ticky oh sure yeah, because if there's one thing Google needs more of it's uh. Money.
Especially from people who do work to make their browser more useful, for free, I guess??
@ticky oh cool. Something like that might actually be super useful for kickstarter - that's the one I always have trouble keeping up with. Would just have to be careful not to hit the "action required" stuff and accidentally miss it
@Nurbs also basically useless, since it's like, HALF A GRAM of plastic or something, as though guilting people for that and not literally any other use of petrochemicals is going to make an appreciable difference
(it's feel-good nonsense to deflect blame from the actually big sources of pollution)
@Nurbs seriously though, our... basically everything comes from grad student code and is basically impossible to substantially test because there's a lot of state involved and I absolutely do not have time to overhaul *anything* so we're basically fucked for maintainability
@Nurbs 0% coverage FUCK YEAH
@datastains@snouts.online yeah, this is something I feel trying to sort out birdsonas. Like, I lean heavily toward greys, greys, more greys. But then feel that's real dull and want some colour. But don't know how to do colour.
I mean, not like going full scarlet macaw or anything, but like. SOMETHING.
(also most of my clothes are basically whiteish, black, greys, or jeans sooooo I dunno)
@PK Snow midge I think?
@skolli the glitch effect is real nice too
@XerTheSquirrel I mean, otherwise it's just "resume" (as in, the opposite of pause)
I can't go to hell - I'm all out of vacation days.
Birds are good. Computers are bad. I'm too old for this.