UX musing.
I feel like I'm pretty "old fashioned" about likes/favs on social networks, as I treat them like "good posts I'm bookmarking for later review". I treat network post faving like I do art site faving - it's something special.
By comparison, it feels like a lot of other people fav almost *everything*, encouraged by things like Youtube treating likes more like a meaningless quality meter for the creator, rather than an archive of high-quality content for the viewer.
UX musing.
@Taylor I fav a lot of stuff personally, but then I also normally treat it as "press this to show appreciation, particularly if you don't have anything good to reply with"
UX musing.
To follow: Awoo now seems to have a separate "bookmark" function to "favourite", which I think is indictive of this shift in mentality about how favourites are treated.
Never mind the murmurs of The Birdsite implementing its own bookmark feature, because likes are now engagement/promotion tools.