...How is that even possible? Eh, I'm sure you'll figure something out.


I really haven't tried to seriously jog for almost a year, and today I did 4K without slowing to a walk, once I actually pushed and tried. Feels good!

The Beast Is Back

After-con-report-ish, strong emotions, ~/+ 

@indi@thebodan@awoo.space I am sure I am going to have to go through and make my own extensive notes on this experience, but I have been having sort of the opposite take-away. This was a breathtakingly amazing experience, it's hard to imagine another being better...but I can't wait to see how much better things will get. I am hopeful, profoundly so, in a way I cannot ever remember being. 💛

Running, WOW 

awoo.space/media/zFz6Az3UqGz5_ This is my recording of participating in an organized run. That is TWO FUCKING MINUTES off of my previous best time.



...I actually did it...

More exercise stuff 

OH MY GLOB 6:01 average today, 5K in about 3:30. Actually got misty eyed when I saw that, aaaah~

Boring Exercise Stuff 

I've sort of had 5K in 30 as a goal for a while now, though I don't think I ever really seriously thought I could do it, before this last week. I feel like I might even cry if I actually make that time. it's such a stupid little thing, a meaningless milestone, and really does not stack up to many other people, but it sorta hit me while I was thinking about it earlier.

I will cry, When I do it.

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Boring Exercise Stuff 

Wherein I declare that I will bore any folk who follow me with exercise information and updates because it makes me feel good, dangit.
Today was a really good run day. A week ago, I started getting serious about my semi-regular lunch-at-work walks. Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be 5Km days. Today, I cut more than two minutes off of last Friday's time, now at about 31:10 minutes. Average time per Km was 6:11.

TFW you take a short, ambling walk during lunch and happen upon a perspective for spiritual things you've needed for a while.

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