@mawr @thefishcrow@cybre.space I'm Ulfra. Hi, fat and ✨plush✨!
I can't imagine not having compassion. I even have compassion for those who have hurt me, for serial abusers. But I'm growing better at ignoring it for those who do nothing but harm
I dunno. My mom is Lawful Good for sure. Theres stuff I wouldn't share with her that I do, but I don't doubt her earnestness and honesty and compassion.
@Zaiaku It's rare to meet someone that self-identifies as evil. Why do you do that?
@Zaiaku This cat has two modes: Skittish and "PET ME PLZ"
I don't think she CAN hate.
My true D&D alignment is Neutral Good. Some of me runs Chaotic Good, an old little naive child was Lawful Good, but in the end I am Neutral Good. If the foundations for laws are bad, change them. The letter of the law is NEVER greater than the spirit.
And if the spirit of the law is malevolent, then it must be dismantled, and if enough of such laws cannot be dismantled, then revolution is justified.
@Zaiaku For about a couple of months now! She's been coming out and exploring a lot more of the apartment, which has been vast strides for her. I think she was traumatized after her previous owner ended up in jail, and then she was so terrified of new circumstance she hid under the floor boards of the other previous owner for months. This is serious progress!
I love my little scaredy purrcat. The slightest cough will make her bolt for cover, but other than that she is a little purr engine who thinks hands are made for petting her.
@mawr Pets are pretty low cost for actually keeping entertained, but of course we want to spoil them to show how much we love them and to have more symbols for "pet" around the house
pet death
@noelle Take solace in the fact that you were wonderful for your kitty and that he got to experience a life that he never would have known without you. You were a big spot of paradise in his life.
incel, violence, rant
@starbreaker@octodon.social Though this part had my hackles up: " You're nothing but overgrown children who weren't bullied enough at school"
I respect that you're saying what you know will most impact the audience, but as someone that WAS bullied all through elementary & high school, any encouragement of bullying in school bugs me a little maybe. ^^;
incel, violence, rant
@starbreaker@octodon.social "who writes about swashbuckling soprano catgirls"
But see: That's MORE likely to attract attention. Your mating call is far more interesting than toxic masculinity, which doesn't have much room for women to operate in outside of catering to the emotional capacity of someone that will likely abuse & objectify her.
Mostly, help each others mental health with mental transformations, wander around at night doing various rituals in the local nature trail (and spar with wooden swords), give tarot readings that help others come to grasp with issues that they need help with.
Just saying tho, more robes and whatever huge hall they have in that pic would be awesome, but we have a shoestring budget.
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from witches.town. An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!