re: work ptsd gripe, trauma venting, pointed at an abuser
@Aetous That's all very fucking awful. Sorry you had to go through that >,<
sends you soft hugs
Non-profits in OR, fight against White Supremacy
#Oregon non-profit organizations asking the Biden administration for a $100 million investment to take on and reduce violent white supremacy.
@Liizerd you are also a good friend and a good dragon :3
@packbat o hai thur :3
re: Asking for Linux Advice:
@ChewieBoy aye, you're welcome
re: Asking for Linux Advice:
@ChewieBoy For the first one, that is definitely a good route to go. For the second, this website could be helpful:
asking for money, boosts appreciated
I hate to have to do another one of these but this month has been absolutely atrocious tbh, I've had basically 0 income and am $410 short of being able to pay rent
hoping next month looks a little better cuz I don't wanna have to keep doing this, but if you wanna help out:
@Aetous o hai :3
@Aetous you're a good girl :3c
capitalism, colonialism, Lakota langauge soverienty
Lakota elders helped a white man preserve their language. Then he tried to sell it back to them.
@Nash076 Based on what I'm hearing, the only reason Elon does anything these days is because he's easily swayed and quick to copy others. In this case, he is allegedly only laying off 10% of Tesla because Coinbase just did it the other day.
Autistic transgender glowy kitty-dragoness, she/her pronouns, 37 years old. Also known as Zenya! I'm a huge nerd and digital artist, plus an aspiring gamedev :3
Some posts may be lewd or contain vore, 18+ followers only
Alts: @Zauberin @Zauberin
Vore/AD Alt: @Zauberin