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sketched out my idea for xenia taking a programming break with some light meditation. i've gone as far as i can today, and I think it's pretty ok 👌

Uk pol us pol the beeb 

The BBC was reporting on what's happened to Q Anon in Florida. The conspiracy theories about the deep state stealing the presidency are now mainstream right positions in the US.

And the part about "satanic paedophiles" has morphed into discussions about "groomers" which means a lot of things, a lot of which is "the transgender issue" and of course "there are real debates to be had" about that.

The BBC is just a reflection of what white middle class boomers are saying to each other at dinner parties or Facebook or whatever they do. Right now, we've lost those people. And we've lost them in a way that is very dangerous - they're ready to acknowledge common ground with Q Anon. This is a concerning potential basis for further radicalisation.

I think we should think about strategies for attacking this discourse. Historically, gay people used two major tactics. One of which was protest. And the other was leveraging personal relationships. One thing that Harvey Milk did was convince thousands of gay men in San Francisco to ring their parents and come out.

Trans people don't have those kinds of numbers, but we do have friends and communities. Our friends can speak up in their conversations (here's how: ). Our communities like unions, religious groups, etc can make specific, public statements acknowledging our humanity.

The middle class media will switch when the middle class does. We can make transphobia unrespectable. We are already making serious progress in civic organisations.

[Boosts OK, but can people replying please refrain from attacking journalists, "the media", or the BBC. ]

AI-generated image 

Came across a AI-based pokemon generator, and decided to give it a try, using my own name.

Result kinda looks like a shield or crest.

doctor vent; CW fatphobia, ableism, transphobia 

Went to a doctor's appointment today, and I have a new primary care physician. I am going to switch it to a different resident, because several things about him raised red-flags.

1 - Although he congratulated me on the weight I lost, he was still overly fixated on weight loss, and claimed it was going to fix "all" of my health issues.

2 - He seemed to have no understanding of ADHD and insisted on the unhelpful "just dive in and do it" advice that neurotypicals give to people with ADHD.

3 - He told me weight loss would fix hormone imbalances because fat cells increase estrogen. And like... why did he say that specifically? I know my blood tests show elevated estrogen, but that's because I'm on estradiol, which is listed on my medications -.-

Anyone know of any good meditation guides that have ADHD in mind?

weight loss ++ 

I'm about six pounds away from having lost 100 pounds total from when my weight peaked \o/

Managed to hose my minecraft save just now. Looked at a modded object, and the internal server insta-crashed.

Minecraft auto-saved it though... and left my character in the same position and orientation, so upon reloading the world I immediately crash again -.-

My partner and I have to come up with our own Hawaiian language and history curriculum (the US erases our Hawaiian history also) which takes a lot of time. We could use support to keep doing this education against US anti-indigenous genocide:

More on this:

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Assistance request, oblique references to USpol 

So, hi, we're sorry we have to keep asking for help but we desperately need to make a grocery order, and considering the looming threat of a possible railstrike and related logsitical breakdowns, it needs to be a rather large one. We're looking for a couple hundred bucks, but anything helps. As do boosts and shares.

This probably wont go anywhere, but my rent has gone up and I could use that sweet Patreon money if you have it because it's been a struggle

Samsara Eco raises $54M AUD for its ‘infinite plastic recycling’ tech - "breaks down plastics into their molecular building blocks to produce new plastic products — which can in turn be broken down again, creating ...infinite plastic recycling."

Seriously, we're not kidding about the Mastodon/Fediverse-to-furry pipeline. Might as well pick your species out now.

(This isn't my pooptooting account, either. That's

Estradiol Valerate
Grows a boob, any size,
Catches TERFs in their lies
Look Out!
Here comes Estradiol.

Is she strong?
Listen bud,
She's got estrogen-ated blood!
Can she swing from a thread?
Take a look in her bed
Hey, there
There goes Estradiol!


This is gorgeous and heartwarming! While Meta is still trying to give people legs, furries have refined finger tracking to the point where sign language works, welcoming the deaf to VRChat. Amazing.


Gender and orientation are not binary, they are N-dimensional matrices with non-integer values that can fluctuate over time.

Some art I made for myself for pride month this year, updated :3

LGBTQIA+ people need not fly only a single flag~

It would be kinda hard to sneak up on a werewolf if you had silver weapons on you.

Sure, pure silver is odorless, but silver does react with other things, and so a werewolf would be able to pick up the scent of silver compounds like silver sulfide.

Then again, if they can smell silver, and know it is dangerous to them, perhaps it would make them a little more wary about hunting someone who had silver on them?

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