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*an american parent, seeing an NES* finally. a V.C.R. ... with a gun. this will allow me to teach my Son to hunt

*a british parent, seeing an NES* we've already got a video. we dont need another video! we're paying out the nose every month for one video as it is!! and this one plays completely different tapes

re: minor injury 

Gonna be keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected. As a precaution I've washed my mouth out with warm water and salt.

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minor injury 

Just bit my tongue and it broke the skin >,<

Given how hot it is going to be today, I'll probably be spending much of the day out of my room so I can stay cooler.

weight loss ++ 

After things stagnating for a while, I've gotten back on track with my weight loss and I have now gotten my weight down to 304. That's the lowest I've been in nearly a decade, and I'm on track to get under 300 \o/

re: mh - 

This also seems like a good time to look away from social media sites for a bit...

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mh - 

Brain: I'm going to make you fixate on a random bad memory for the next 20 minutes while also making you imagine all the ways it could have been worse.

Me: .-.


Happy birthday George Jetson! Today is the only day you can retweet this


subtoot, alt right memes 

Recalling the time I warned someone that the pepe and kek were hate symbols and he lost his temper and acted as if I had insulted his best friend.

mh - 

Between boredom and the stuff recently happening with VRChat, I'm feeling more depressed lately :-/

weight loss +++ 

I just noticed how much thinner my arms are now

trans youth in sport, Indiana, + 

A 10 year old trans girl just won a preliminary injunction from a federal judge in the Southern District of Indiana against the enforcement of the state's new anti-trans law prohibiting trans girls from playing in girls' sports teams. ^_^

"The singling out of transgender females is unequivocally discrimination on the basis of sex, regardless of the policy argument as to why that choice was made."

Oh, Valheim has sea monsters that can attack you. Please excuse me while I go sailing never again o.o

mh ~ 

Had multiple anger spirals this morning over old memories that got dredged up. I think I've pulled out of it, so I should be okay.

intersex, Greece, + 

"As of today, July 19th, 2022, surgical and other medical interventions, which until now have been carried out on intersex infants and children, secretly and without consent, to “conform” their sex characteristics with the “typical” male or female anatomy have been legally banned in Greece. Today is, therefore, historic for the protection and recognition of the human rights of intersex people, in Greece, in Europe and in the world."

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