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"The Jewish community in Las Vegas, NM is trying to buy back their historic synagogue from the Catholic Church. The church originally gave them 60 days to raise the funds, but then abruptly shortened it to 30 days, leaving the community in a lurch. Any little bit helps, and would mean so much to the community."

Gay and Good start with the same letter for a reason :3c

I don't really get the appeal of monster hunter

i mean they're sold in pretty much any convenience store, do wild cans taste better or something?

A large polyamory org (or perhaps several) are promoting a vote for an 'official' polyamory flag in November.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, but if it's going to happen, I hope as many queer/PoC/both polyam folks vote as possible bc this org was very very straight/white/cis last time I connected with them.

Here's link the voting website for folks interested.


Preemptive multitasking has dominated OS design for over 30 years. It's time for something new. It's time for retroactive multitasking.

mh ~ 

Today was a day where I had enough spoons to pretend to be a functional adult.

AI generated images 

"dragon with wings made from aurora borealis", generated with

Wow, well done Scotland! :o 🌳


Scotland does not have a "directive" to chop down 17 million trees.

On land managed by Scotland Forestry and Land agency, between 2000 and 2020, an estimated 13.9 million trees were felled. 272 million more were planted in Scotland during that period.


Got a huge storm heading my way within the hour. Its got a sort of bow shape in part of it (indicated by arrow), so its gonna be pretty nasty

In destroying content libraries, Warner/HBO is using a publishing trick.

Because of the way intellectual property is valued and taxed across much of the English-speaking world, insufficiently profitable property is more profitable out-of-print than bringing in cash.

I could do this too. Here's a vastly simplified example.

Let's take my Prohibition Orcs. What's the value of PO? Well, there's the film rights, the TV rights, audiobook rights, branded fedoras... This is such an innovative property, for a few grand I can easily hire an outside evaluator to tell me it should be worth, say, fifty million.

I claim PO on my taxes as worth fifty million dollars.

PO fails to live up to that. Nobody even buys the branded liquor rights, even though that's a no-brainer.

So I take the product off the market, and write off a fifty million dollar loss.

"It can't be this blatant," people think. But it can. Every IP-related industry lobbied for these laws. This is part of why tech is so profitable, because surely the new game is worth top dollar.

The catch is, only a certain kind of person can do this and sleep well at night.

The tax system is Dungeons & Dragons, except the dragons wrote the rules.

This, by the way, is why publishers won't bring back so much of the out-of-print blacklist. Internally, they value all those vanished first novels at a bajillion dollars, and resurrecting them would require un-writing-off those losses.

Under current tax code, creators are more valuable dead than alive.

Some publishers/distributors play the game fair, and have deep backlists. But if it's a big conglomerate, like HBO or Randy Penguin? It's sociopathy all the way down. Remember, it's not about making money; it's about the quarterly statement, and massive deductions are a win there.

[In case anyone is curious, I was referring to the Exxon Valdez oil spill from 1989]

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A thing you don't want to hear when talking about one of the worst manmade disasters in human history:

"Alcohol was involved"

Was fixing some overnight oatmeal earlier, and decided to try including some protein powder. The label has serving size listed as "two scoops".

Unhelpful, especially since no scoop was included.

If you are a white person and still need help understanding cultural appropriation and racism, you should read this furry themed explanation

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(please boost) asking for money help 

hello! i need $80 to order groceries, $60 for medical weed, and $35 for my phone bill -- $175 in total

i have to work from home because i have asthma and catching covid is a major health risk for me. a friend has a really good opportunity that i'll be looking into





thank you 🖤

#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund

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