Maybe any artist friends with printing experience could help..
I'm looking to replace this stock vinyl marquee with something custom. If I were to commission or design a custom image, would this be hard to recreate as a one-off job?
(If it's helpful, their site says the marquee is 28.7/16 x 7 5/16", but the viewable size is 28 x 6.25")
@jakebe *sends hugs anyway* yeah you'll be okay but sorry for the disruption in your life *pets again*
@Wuskythehusky @ceralor I got Kingsburg and Powergrid all ready to go and some Dominion card games as well
@Wuskythehusky @ceralor hooray!
@Wuskythehusky @ceralor its perfect with tea. A honey infused cake covered in honey syrup perfect with tea with a bit oflemon
@Wuskythehusky Iagree! I also miss that sort of joy of being a host for friends over to enjoy
@Wuskythehusky @ceralor you should see my coffee cake with chocolate cinnamon ribbon
@Wuskythehusky I do love that though i wont say no to board games. During times when i ran tabletoprpgs i always cooked for everyone
@Wuskythehusky @ceralor oh stop by any old time. You just have to bring your lovely company
Just a pine marten who likes to bake, art by billcatter
Lawful Neutral