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What i would ideally like is to have one website where I put all my content but then the different content types feed to personal/work domains.

I don’t want to decide for people what they should see, if that makes sense.

The annoying thing is that while I can get RSS feeds from insta grid posts, there’s no rss for stories.

Here's a classic anecdote for why A/B testing is better than polling potential customers.

The Atari Lynx was the first handheld console to market. It was also technically superior to the Gameboy. But when they brought the Lynx to focus groups, feedback was that people wanted a bigger console.

The market said otherwise. The size of the Lynx was an impediment to adoption, and the Gameboy's smaller size proved to be selling feature over the Lynx.

This pushed Atari towards ruin.

Installed activity pub on my work blog(so neglected, cos baby) and husbands website, but not able to find either on any instance? The only exception is I can find my blog on pixelfed.


Hello new people! Welcome to #Mastodon! I would like to make you aware that we're not *just* a birdsite clone, we strive to leave the toxicity that :birdsite: encourages behind. We try not to talk as much behind each other's backs like with subtoots. We try to take care of the needs of each other by using #imageDescriptions and CWs. CWs are used for many things, in doubt use one!
We also give our best not to be overly confrontative and not to assume the worst of people.
#FediTips #MastoTips

Hey people 👋🏼 if you’re not sure where to sign up or which server is best for you.

A few things I didn’t know:

1. There’s a tool to help you find a server with size, content & TOCs you agree to.
2. You can redirect an account to a new account under profile. Followers are moved with you. No need to delete.
3. You can use apps like toot! On iOS to browse instances your not a part off and see if it’s where you belong.

I believe in trans rights.

I have no sympathy for TERFs.

@atomicbutterfly it's astounding how casually people accept a 1-2% of dying or 30% chance of disability just to eat at Arby's with their masks off

Discord is doing well because - among others things- it allows people to cluster and meet around interests or identities.
It functions like an online version of

The servers that do well are heavily moderated and have admins and assistants sparking discussion, or hosting voice chats or watch parties at well publicised times. It’s work. Something I do not envy them for doing.

I wonder if that’s a way to make social media more human and less flamey.

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Socialising is hard. Making friends is hard. Maintaining or creating a social group is hard. Community building is hard.

And we’re kind of like the people in wall-e for doing this online because we’ve gotten so used to recommendations and who to follow lists.

But I think that’s what will ultimately decide which platforms last and get the most users. And it might be down to having human mods here to make it better than the other hellsite.

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The way apps have all been designed to be addictive has this effect where :
1. merely being functional as intended is annoying.

We expect to be surprised and delighted. And like all addictions, we then need more of the effect to even notice it - eg TikTok and 7 second videos.

2. Doing more effective, meaningful things are less rewarding that doing fast, less effective things. Eg duolingo is rewarding and addictive. But less effective than babble.

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We bemoan services like insta, Spotify, twitter .. but it comes down to being able to discover new content that’s right for the user at just the right intervals. And that’s hard to do right without a lot of user data.

Even switching from Spotify to Apple Music, it’s the dopamine rush of the new playlist I find myself missing, despite understanding how much data it takes across 3-4 apps to make it appear so intuitive.

Man. I really have 3 accounts on this platform
Cos it’s easy to forget which instance I even signed up on. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Kinda interested in the age group of mastodon new signups.

I'm not happy with how the Wil Wheaton situation was resolved. An admin was overwhelmed with frivolous reports about him and felt forced to exile him. I've said before that I think it sets a dangerous precedent on how a large group of people can mobilize to drive anyone off the fediverse. Mob rule is universally dangerous: Mods and admins must examine evidence and decide based on wrongdoing and danger, and not on how many times someone was reported.

When working with a client who’s not familiar with project management or task management tools, what’s your preference?
Do you have an oboarding board/project to teach them how to use it?

I really don’t want to impose a new PM tool on anyone but I feel that there is a need to have threaded conversations stay visible for reference, even after a task or idea is closed, because potential spec drift is the only thing you can always rely on.

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It’s really weird how people react to different media: I’m fine talking through email and chat, but getting Dropbox or Trello comment notifications fills me with anxiety.

I’m not sure why? Maybe because they are often disconnected from context of past conversations/requests?

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Awoo Space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

While mature content is allowed here, we strongly believe in being able to choose to engage with content on your own terms, so please make sure to put mature and potentially sensitive content behind the CW feature with enough description that people know what it's about.

Before signing up, please read our community guidelines. While it's a very broad swath of topics it covers, please do your best! We believe that as long as you're putting forth genuine effort to limit harm you might cause – even if you haven't read the document – you'll be okay!