New, clickbait-y blog post: Furry websites have trash accessibility (and it’s not their fault)
@ripp_ Government office aircon isn't cold enough for my liking :<
@ripp_ You're supposed to have weaned yourself off the caffeine!
re: Spider man: Far from home
@ripp_ Technically no? The MCU is specifically Universe 199999; Tobey Maguire Spider-Man is from Universe 96283; Andrew Garfield Spider-Man is from Universe 120703.
So the films are technically *not* the Marvel Cinematic Universe... technically. Pedantically.
re: AI-generated imagery
It turns out it does a way better job if you say you want an illustration (or are just way more specific in general)
It's a bit of a quirk of the civil service in general that pay grade is directly tied to hierarchical seniority.
I basically leapt directly into a senior-ish position by virtue of it being a specialised role that commands a high-ish salary.
This table weirds me out because if I were in the military I’d apparently be equivalent to a captain or colonel and that seems like way more responsibility than I actually have.
Something I've noticed to be sorely lacking from a lot of fandom spaces is accessibility knowledge.
Like, the websites for groups and conventions and such tend to be pretty garbage on the accessibility front, which seems weird when a lot of those fandoms are home to neurodivergent and disabled people.
I wonder if there's something that can be done there?
I had their seafood basket-sounding thing, which turned out to contain entire fish and giant prawns.
@codl And why is it in Times New Roman??