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I ALSO realised that if you remove my fursona’s snoot you’re left with a happy little onion man.

Truly a day of self-discovery.

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Today I realised that my fursona is actually an eMac with legs and ears attached so I guess that’s my life now.

Surprised at how little integration there is between Apple TV and HomePod outside of the former being able to use the latter as a speaker system.

I'm now only one day behind on my podcast backlog.

You too can listen to your podcast backlog, you just have to believe in yourself (and listen to people talk for hours on end).

Value exists in object inspector.
Value exists when I console.log it.
Value exists when I render the parent object to the page.
Value doesn't exist when I try to render it on the page.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The new Public Service Broadcasting single is a bit of a deviation from their usual. Much more dance-oriented (á la Gagarin). Still pretty boppy.

Inordinately proud of how I managed to incorporate the progressive pride flag colours/arrow into robat face.

Being digital has benefits sometimes. :>

The existence of the FAA and the FCC implies the existence of an FBB.

twitch link 

Going live in a bit with some 'normal' Super Animal Royale for a change!

I saved up for a freakin' long time for this so I want it recorded somewhere.

it's such a bizarrely common take that empty space is wasted space and you should have information blasted into your eyeballs from every square centimeter of the monitor. please space things out nicely so i can read them normal. i am willing to scroll, that's fine

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"look at all this whitespace with nothing in it" yeah that's the part that makes the website good

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If we have hot sauce why do we not have cold sauce. Maybe I want my chicken wings to give me brain freeze did you ever think of that???

We did it. 100 games of Super Animal Royale, 42 top placements, 39 wins and £504 for Whales and Dolphin Conservation. Thank you so so much to everyone again for joining in. You're the best! <3

@may I'll be in chat most all day and making appearances in the stream later, too :p

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My partner @may is doing a big ol' endurance charity stream today! Drop in and donate if you can!

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beeps was here's choices:

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