economical unmovable object, bad
the bar isn't even that high. all we want is to not have to worry about a roof over our heads, having food on the table, and maybe not having a rush of panic when the bills come.
we just want to survive. it's really not all that much to ask for. it's not even that hard to accomplish.
why is this so hard for them to understand..?
economical unmovable object, bad
@ElectricKeet what if we just eat them. this seems like a good solution. (we *have* to. we're going to. somehow..... )
economical unmovable object, bad
@catterfly Because they believe that poorer people are sonehow worth less and richer people are somehow worth more. Prosperity theology. Kinda unfortunate.
Yes, that was polite understatement. *sigh* We'll change all of this somehow. We _have_ to.