nerd. boosted

@noiob water is for the weak, real people drink ketchup

nerd. boosted

@Bwee dang it, you tapped into one of my fears lol

@noiob Neato! I still have an iPod that I need to mod so it's good that there is software for it too. My 5G still has a HDD and has a weak battery, so I need to source a new battery and a flash kit for it.

@noiob I very rarely use it myself, but it's a really nice feature

@ConnyDuck Such dialectal differences really fascinates me. I had three years of German in school but never encountered local differences like that.

@Bwee Can't vaccinate any kids when you don't have any >:3c

@ConnyDuck Looks really cool! Is "Jänner" Austrian German for January by any chance?

The new iOS 17 beta allows for more customization of the lock screen, and I think it's pretty cool. Still figuring out how I want it, but I like how it looks so far.

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