work annoyed
our hackathon project didn't even make it to the finalists
it has the ability to reduce our spend by something like $400k because we can stop relying on an external product as the result of this work on top of simply being a better tool for visualization
i'm pretty mad we didn't make it, it makes my work feel undervalued by the judges. they have no clue
You know what I wouldn't normally do this but hey hit me up, all I want for Xmas is to pay my bills.
I'm setting up a liberapay account as well for the future
Boost if you want
(ignore the url name lol)
The doodle thingy is really hard to draw in with a mouse but this good boy wanted to be on the timeline
@vahnj's private account
sads and personal life stuff, often TMI
nothing personal if i don't accept follow requests. i probably won't accept unless we actually talk more than just jokes with one another from time to time.