Seattle Trip thoughts: Day -2
The closer this gets, the more surreal it feels. The furthest west I've ever gone has been barely far at all (chicago).
This past year and so have been wilder than I ever imagined possible, and here I am hiking it up there for a trip. So many things are lining up to happen during that time that it feels surreal that all of this is actually happening and so far hasn't hit any snags.
Seattle Trip thoughts: Day -2
@Oneironott random question: have you ever seen the ocean, like, in person? if you get a chance, you should introduce yourself to Her. ;)
Seattle Trip thoughts: Day -2
@green @Oneironott The Sound sorta counts, but I definitely need to go to the other side of the Olympics and meet the true coast.
Seattle Trip thoughts: Day -2
@Oneironott @emanate one of my high school friends, when I lived in Humboldt County which is right on the Pacific ocean (you could see it from my house), told me he'd met someone on the beach and talked to her a bit. she was from--one of the flat Midwest states, and had never seen the ocean before, and he said she kept trailing off and turning to look at the waves. she said it was "completely overwhelming." I highly recommended the experience! ;)
Seattle Trip thoughts: Day -2
@green @emanate @Oneironott I've only ever lived near the Pacific, and love it a lot.
Humbolt county is neat! Use to know some folks up in Arcata.
Still haven't experienced the wilder rocky coastline in this state but I need to.